Hunting at Lac Seul’s Golden Eagle Resort

Home to three distinct grouse species – Ruffed, Spruce, and Sharptail – Northwestern Ontario stands as a premier destination for avid hunters in pursuit of ruffed grouse, spruce hen, or sharptail game. The Lac Seul area, nestled within this pristine region, serves as an optimal habitat for these birds, featuring a diverse landscape of mixed deciduous and coniferous forests. This unique combination of vegetation provides an ideal environment, offering cover, feeding grounds, and nesting areas that foster a flourishing population of grouse. Additionally, Lac Seul’s history of logging unintentionally contributes to the birds’ well-being, providing expansive land and shelter for their propagation, making it a sought-after destination for both seasoned and novice hunters. Ask about our open week hunting and fishing package special.

If you are looking for accommodations for Ontario moose hunting, we are located in the Ear Falls area of Northwestern Ontario on Lac Seul. Amidst dense forests and serene lakes, this region provides an ideal habitat for moose, offering both novice and seasoned hunters an exciting and rewarding experience.
For more information on on our our new Bear Hunts, click the link HERE to be taken to our exclusive Bear Hunting Page where you can find all of the information you could need.
Hunter’s Checklist: *
- Hunter Orange is the Law *
- Foul weather gear *
- Appropriate high quality waterproof boots well broken-in *
- Appropriate vehicle for transport – a 4X4 is almost a must in late hunts *
- Limit of 200 rounds of ammo at customs *
- Shotguns must be plugged to 3 shots at all times *
- Previous Hunting License – Ontario WILL NOT issue a Hunting License without seeing an original hunting license (past or present) showing proof of previous experience – NO exceptions allowed.